A Review of Immunologic Diseases of the Dog. School of Veterinary Medicine California. Very detailed site. Needs Adobe Acrobat to read this pdf file.

      Perianal Fistulas (Type V)Immune Disorder. School of Veterinary Medicine California

      Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

      Babesiosis. Underlying Factor Influencing the Severity and Duration of Perianal Fistulas by W Tarello Veterinary Surgeon

      Australian Veterinary Journal - Anatomy of the Canine Tail - Effects of Removal

      Leflumonide(Arava)-Works Better Than Cyclosporin by R.M. Clemmons,DVM, Phd. and Veterinary Comments on Leflumonide - the "New Drug on the Horizon"

      Report from Australia.

      Report from MSU.

      Canadian Articles.

      Report from Cornell. Irritable Bowel Disease.

      R.Malik DVM on Imuran Doseage.

      Canadian Vet Journal on treating PFs with Tacrolimus.5 Pages.