,This site is constantly updated
The medical information contained within is for "Nonprofit Educational Purposes Only" . However, any author wishing to have his or her article removed from this site can contact the list moderator/owner at the e-mail addy. at the bottom of the page and the article will be removed.
We are not affiliated with any of the organizations whose Banner Ads appear on Tripod pages.

Welcome visitor 
A special welcome AND thank you, to the many veterinarians who are both frequenting this site and contributing to the valuable information contained herein.
Updated December 2, 2012. Zinc Oxide based Diaper Rash Creams are showing Good to Excellent results in the fight against Perianal Fistulas. Visit our medical info section under Zincofax. **Pls. note this article was "not" written by veterinarians, but by those members who have tried this approach with positive results. In no way are we affiliated with the manufacturer of Zincofax Ointment or any Zinc Oxide based Diaper Rash Creams.
Perianal Fistulas (known as Anal Furunculosis in the UK)- The Silent Killer. Half the battle is to know the enemy and plan a course of action. The members of the Perianal Fistula Support Group, wish to share our personal stories, successes, failures and the most "Current Medical Information Available" to those who need help.
We welcome all who wish to join the PF-List.
Not all treatments work for all dogs.
Not all stories have a happy ending.
BUT.... we do have dogs in remission,
There is no instant "Quick Fix".
BUT.... we do have dogs maintaing a good quality of life.
There is no definate answer as to cause.
BUT.... there are suspected triggers.
Your veterinarian is the most qualified person to answer all of
the questions you have about your pet's health. Nothing within this site should be construed as medical advice regarding any "individual" animal's condition.
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Site design and graphics by Carol Kufner. Anyone wishing to join the list, should click the "Join Group" button above. Any and all questions regarding this list should be addressed to the list moderator/owner Carolyn, at: kandismom@aol.com